UpGrow Marketing

Heat Transfer Warehouse PPC Campaign: A Case Study by UpGrow Marketing


Heat Transfer Warehouse is a leading e-commerce wholesale supplier and distributor of heat transfer vinyl and materials. Their primary source of sales was word-of-mouth and trade shows, but they wanted to explore other avenues to increase their e-commerce revenue. The company was unfamiliar with digital marketing and needed guidance to grow its sales.


Heat Transfer Warehouse faced the challenge of unfamiliarity with digital marketing and where to begin. Their goal was to increase their e-commerce revenue, but they needed a partner who could guide them through the digital marketing landscape and help grow their sales.


Upon meeting with Heat Transfer Warehouse, UpGrow Marketing recognized the vast search opportunity because of their niche. The first step was to start small and test the waters. However, as UpGrow Marketing began to see a return on investment (ROI), they quickly started to scale their campaigns and saw impressive returns on their efforts. In fact, their growth was so rapid that UpGrow Marketing had to hold back because it was faster than the company could operationally handle.

One of the key factors in the success of the campaign was the close collaboration between UpGrow Marketing and Heat Transfer Warehouse. UpGrow Marketing worked closely with Heat Transfer Warehouse to help maintain a steady growth level that the company could handle. They also provided regular updates and reports to keep the company informed about the progress of the campaigns.


Through UpGrow Marketing’s efforts, Heat Transfer Warehouse expanded and tripled the number of employees it had. Over a two-year period, UpGrow Marketing was able to grow the company’s revenue by more than 700%.


UpGrow Marketing’s PPC campaign for Heat Transfer Warehouse was a huge success, resulting in a significant increase in the company’s e-commerce revenue. The key to this success was UpGrow Marketing’s strategic approach and close collaboration with the company. By starting small and scaling up as they saw ROI, UpGrow Marketing was able to help Heat Transfer Warehouse achieve significant growth and expand their business.

Strong growth

Let the numbers talk!


Revenue growth over 2 years


Increase in traffic in first 4 months


Helped them grow from 12 to 24 employees over 2 years